Batch 2022 Completers and Graduates, a pleasant day to all of you!

You are in a very momentous event of finishing your basic education at a time when we are uncertain about so many things. We are meeting the challenges brought about by COVID-19 pandemic and this should be a date to remember all your life because you finished your basic education despite the adversities brought about by these difficult times.

The theme for your Commencement Exercises: “K-12 Graduates Pursuing Dreams and Fostering Resilience in the Face of Adversity” carries three very important keywords and I would like to talk about them.

The first is Adversity. For the past two years, we have been faced with the challenges brought about by this pandemic and it has changed our lifestyles. It has changed the educational landscape abruptly. In fact, it is an irreversible change that we have encountered. These are adversities that have, I suppose, helped all of us change our ways in the past. For learners like you, these adversities that you faced have really challenged you in a way that they have changed the way you feel about other people particularly your classmates, parents, and teachers because of the lack of physical interactions with all of them.

As usual and as a rule or law of nature, when we are faced with adversity, we instinctively learn to be Resilient. I would like to believe that all of you graduates have developed the quality of being resilient in times of difficulty and adversities. You will carry this quality as you go through the higher level of education in college or in technical courses or other courses that you may want to pursue. But, if there is one important lesson you have learned from this pandemic, it is how to become resilient to successfully face the challenges that come your way.

And finally, the very important word in your theme, Dreams!  You are in the stage of educational life where you start to dream of what you want to become in the future. But do not just dream, do something to achieve them. I challenge all of you graduates to make sure everything that you do is in pursuit of your dreams so that you will become successful in the future. I challenge you to widen your circle, your circle of life so that it will improve your aspirations for the future. Remember what they say, our life is like enclosed in a circle. You cannot find your dreams inside your circles, they are always found outside. So go out and explore. Chase your dreams. Pursue your dreams. Do something to achieve these dreams.

Remember, dreams are outside your circle and so are other people. Other people who will help you achieve your dreams, other people who will provide you with necessary moral support and even financial support. Be careful not to hurt them in pursuit of your dreams.

Again, let me congratulate you for being resilient despite adversities. Your being resilient now will help you pursue your dreams in the future.

Congratulations, Batch 2022! 


Regional Director

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